Monday, March 2, 2009

Moving Was Hard!

Moving may have been the hardest thing I had ever done. It was 10 hours, to town number 2 from town number 1, away and most of our family was in town number 1. It was unbelievable! We would only get to visit them twice a year! And heck, so far we've been here for 3 years and we've seen them 6 times. Let's go and rewind a bit and I will tell you the first time I saw my house, house number 2. We walked into house number 15 we had looked at. I walked in this big red room which is now crowded all the time. I walked around went down stairs and I saw all this garbage! It was a trashy house. I don't know how my parents knew this was the house but three years later it was definitely the house, but we had already moved inside. Anyway, I walked into what is my bedroom now and sat down where my bed would be in three years and drew a picture of it. We walked around some more and I thought this was the trashiest house I had ever seen! Now it is simply beautiful! It still needs some work but we have a very successful house now.

1 comment:

Mothership said...

It was hard to move, wasn't it? Our whole family has worked hard to improve our little house, and, I agree, it is a beautiful home, now. Here we come, family room!!