Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dumb Heaters

My parents have a BIG problem, The two of them stay up late playing so fun Facebook and all this crap while we kids lay in our cold rooms waiting next to the heater till it turns on while they sit in the warm and comfy couch and all the heaters in the room, There's about 6 heaters in the living room!
There about half a heater in our room. I am not satisfied with the heaters in our home because there off more then there on+ they don't produce enough heat. this is the reason we we sleep in all the time cause its always warm in the morning. my parents wake up earlier then us which is weird beacuse they have the coldest room in the house! Wich solves the mistery why they stay in the living beacuse there to cold!


Anonymous said...

That's funny.

Anonymous said...

I hate cold houses,too. I feel like Ma Ingalls each morning I crawl out of bed, cross the freezing frontroom floor to start a fire. I am glad our house is tight and leakproof; remember when Laura woke up and had to shake the ice off of her bedding? Yikes!

Clark Fox said...

Then just sneak in. Its that easy. Or you could freeeeeeeze in your room